24 November 2019

24th of November

Farm status
Intel GPUs
All running Einstein O2MD1 work

Nvidia GPUs
All running Einstein O2MD1 work

Raspberry Pis
All running Einstein BRP4 work

For news on the Raspberry Pis see Marks Rpi Cluster

Other news
The farm had a few days off during the week. Currently its cool enough to have everything running. The x64 nodes are all doing the O2MD1 search on their CPUs. I am back to running the AMD machines on half the cores as they are now down to 6 hours and 45 minutes per work unit.

Einstein SSL/TLS security
They are updating their site security and so the minimum versions of the BOINC client that will work with them are:
From the 27th of Nov 2019 - BOINC 7.4.36
From the 25th of May 2020 - BOINC 7.10

If you're still running an older BOINC client you'll have to update to a newer one.

The original idea is documented HERE

In order to simplify things I would drop the idea of the SuperHost doing verification and leave it as it happens today (ie the projects verify the results).

I posted to the BOINC dev mailing list that I could provide some funding for a developer to work on this. That was in response to a BOINC wish list/roadmap email. I also dropped a couple of private emails to people in the BOINC community on the subject. I didn't get any response so have to assume there is no interest.

17 November 2019

17th of November

Farm status
Intel GPUs
All off

Nvidia GPUs
All running Einstein O2MD1 search

Raspberry Pis
All running Einstein BRP4 work

For news on the Raspberry Pis see Marks Rpi Cluster

Catastrophic fire danger
Last week saw a catastrophic fire danger declared so everything was switched off. There has been a smoke haze over the city for the last couple of weeks from bush fires up north. The last week saw a number of fires around Sydney's suburbs, most of which were dealt with quickly.

Despite this we had a couple of cool days so I had most of the x64 computers running the Einstein O2MD1 work on their CPU's. They take around 15-17 hours when running on all threads.

More Intel bugs
Announced this week were a couple more security bugs with the Intel CPUs. The bugs have been known for a while but were waiting on mitigations being made available before they publicly announce them. With all the mitigations being put into Intel they're now somewhat slower than the AMD CPUs.

Debian Buster point release
Debian did a 10.2 point release this weekend.

I haven't upgraded the Nvidia GPU machines from Stretch because of things not working. I'll need to try upgrading one to see if they have fixed the issues yet. My main issue was Buster puts the screen into 1024x768 resolution and can't be changed. This doesn't occur under Stretch. I raised a Debian bug in September but it doesn't appear for have made any progress.

03 November 2019

3rd of November

Farm status
Intel GPUs
One running Einstein O2MD1 work

Nvidia GPUs
All running Einstein O2MD1 work

Raspberry Pis
All running Einstein BRP4 work

For news on the Raspberry Pis see Marks Rpi Cluster

Einstein work
Most of the week was hot so everything except the Pis were off. Now its a little cooler the farm are running Einstein O2MD1 (Observation Run 2 Multi-Directed search 1) work on their CPUs. The run times vary between 14-17 hours on the AMD machines and 19-22 hours on the Intel machines. Some work units are faster than others, even on the same machine.