23 October 2011

23rd of October

Farm news
Well the farm has been running just a single machine for the last week. I have now shut it down until I return. As expected there hasn't been too much progress from a single machine. This single machine has 7 CPDN tasks on hand, 3 of which have completed but can't report. One of incomplete work units is a full-res ocean work unit that takes 550 hours and is about half done.

Hopefully I will have internet access from Japan and will be able to keep in contact.

Project news - CPDN
They were attacked and the project has been down for the last few days. No further news yet as to what happened.

Project new - Seti
They have upgraded the memory in a router which should have resolved the randon connection issues. Apparently it didn't have enough memory to cope with all the connections going at once. Hopefully it might also improve network throughput.

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